Saturday, January 26, 2013

To the point...

I have you notice now a days that people can't seem to get to the point??? I mean, say what you want to say. Don't play any silly games, if you don't like something, admit it. I think we've become too emotionally sensitive. I mean, I'm not a hard-donkey. Give me the right Publix commercials and I'm down for the count with tears.

Emotions can be very powerful, but if their toyed with both within ourselves and in others, they can lead to great hurts. Example, the Word says that the most powerful member of the body is our tongue. It is so powerful it can cause wars. Yet if we control our tongues & be honest, things can be a lot better. I like how some people seem to be allowed to talk, yet others are not. I don't understand that either.

AH HA! I'm rambling. Not for good reading I know, I'm sorry. I guess you can call this stream of thought. Let me see if I can put a bow on this... If you mean something say it; don't worry about my emotions, I'll build a bridge. If you have something to say, say exactly what you mean. Don't make me go through a guessing game to get your point. Let you 'No' mean no & let your 'Yes' mean yes.


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