Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why do we do what we do?

Why do we do what we do???

Have you ever asked yourself that question before. I mean seriously sit down and look at what you do in life and then ask, "why am I doing this?" I've asked this before, plenty of times and at various different occasions. A lot of time, I have an answer, and sometimes I don't.

The reason why I ask this is I've noticed lately with various different people in various different
situations their reactions and responses to situations they are in. And those peoples' response/reactions make me scratch my head and say to myself, "why are you doing that anyways?"

A great example of this is one of the groups I am a member of. We do a lot of charity work at the
invitation of our hosts. Our guidelines stipulate that we're not to expect anything from the host except
the chance to do good. However individuals I've worked with in this group complain about the locations we have access to, the amount of supplies made available to us, the type of food we're given or the treatment we're given for being there. Now granted as invited guests we do have some level of expectations of being treated reasonably. However our own groups guidelines tell us, (paraphrased) don't expect anything other than time. I want to open my mouth to those individuals and ask, "what are you doing here if you're just going to complain?"

I know I wont ever get an answer for this. It just boggles my mind beyond understanding. I guess there could be reasons of obligation, however I would even question that. Our actions are our actions; we should have a reason for all of them. Just like Paul calls for Christians to have a defense of thier
faith when the time comes; I believe EVERYONE should have a reason for their actions. So ask yourself, why are you doing what you are doing? What is the motivation or reason behind it. You never know you may shock yourself at the answer. I know I have.

Disclaimer: I am not God, I know I'm not God and I know this is only my opinion; no matter how wrong or right it is. Thanks!