Monday, February 25, 2013

Christians Suck... Well at least sometimes...

This goes out to all of the atheist or non-believing people that I've ever met or may meet in life some day...

I want to give some perspective about Christians that you may not have heard before. Hopefully this will shatter a lot of stereotypes and help bring some brotherly love in the world...

Christians are not perfect!!! :D I know right, huge revelation...

But guess what, for some Christians, that is a huge revelation. I will admit that there are a lot of Christians (and I've been guilty of this myself) that have said & done things that were no where near Christ-like; which in turn drove more people away from us than draw them closer to us. Now mind you I'm not going to give us Christians an excuse for these actions. Because, frankly, some of them were plain stupid and unloving; and because of them (at that moment in time) we sucked.

Yet one thing that Christians forget is that we're not any different from you in the fact that we love, care, hurt and hate. We have raging emotions and feelings that can be hurt as well. We sometimes get it in our heads that since we're "saved," we're far better than everyone else. And that mentality is WAY wrong. We're not better, higher, worth more or any of that more than a non-believing person.

Now I will say this... We Christians may come across as having a very arrogant attitude towards aspects of life. But, speaking from experience, it's not arrogance... It's confidence. You see the Creator of the Universe has given us a promise that we've placed our faith in. And our faith hangs on that promise. And the life, death & resurrected life of one Jesus of Nazareth locks-in, solidifies and guarantees our faith in that promise. So we have a confidence that this same Creator has guaranteed our place in the future (both alive and dead).

Back on target... Jesus Himself showed us who we (Christians) are supposed to be going to & helping. Even if a person doesn't become a believer by what we say or what we do; we're to still server and love.

So now I will close with this... It may not help and it may be too late, but I am going to say (type) it regardless. On behalf of all Christians in the world; we're sorry for sucking at some point in the past. Some of us are trying our best and we do fail. I hope you'll forgive us. PEACE!!!

Romans 12:9-11 "Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically."(NLT)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Non-mid life crisis...

Thanks to modern medicine, mid-life crisis is coming later in life than ever before. Plan now to take full advantage of your crisis, today... :D I know that sounds silly. But I can't help but think about it. Today is the eve of my 39th birthday. Since the last year of my 30's is on the verge of entering into history, I got to thinking about mid-life crisis.

I can understand why (guys especially) go through mid-life crisis. I mean, by the time we're 40 we're supposed to be well established in our careers, on the verge of getting one of the house's bed rooms back from a child going off to college and looking at those sleek touring motorcycles to throw the wife on the back of. Yet, why would you call those situations a crisis? I mean I would take those attributes and classify them as a well lived & planned life. And if all those years were living for God; then it they were even better.

I on the other hand am different. Being pre-39, I've recently rebooted my career, still got a few years before I kick one of the kids out of the house and couldn't even afford to look at a motorcycle, let along buy a moped. Now I have every right to be in a mid-life crisis. Yet as I sit here typing I have no feelings of animosity for not achieving all those "expected" things in life. Plus, who said I was entering mid-life anyways??? Where is that guy who came up with that? I plan on passing from this world (unless Christ comes back first) on my 120th birthday. So you do the math... 120-39=81... Well that will leave a fraction... Let's say... 120-40=80. I still have Eighty years left on this earth. I have tons of time left.

PLUS! My mid-life crisis wont start till I'm at least 60!!! YEAH! Actually I don't plan on having a crisis. You see, I'm doing my best to live for God. And when I reach my 60's I may actually be better at it. And I know that once I have that down, I'll be much happier, healthier and blessed than I can imagine now. So come on 39th birthday!!! I still have 21 years before I start freaking out. Now all I need to do is focus on these daughters of mine and make sure to have them out of the house before then (joking, well, kind'a not) so I'll have room for the motorcycle, hot tub and cinema-sound theater. :D

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"What was will be again, what happened will happen again. There's nothing new on this earth. Year after year it's the same old thing. Does someone call out, "Hey, this is new"? Don't get excited—it's the same old story. Nobody remembers what happened yesterday. And the things that will happen tomorrow? Nobody'll remember them either. Don't count on being remembered." Ecclesiastes 1:9 (the Msg)

I read this verse last night to my daughters and it really hit me (again). There is really nothing new under the sun. I know it a phrase that many of us have heard (even non-believers). Yet have you thought about it before???

Think of anything... Chili dogs, skyscrapers, guns, Venetian blinds, warp drive, ballet, anything... All of it has been thought before. Now I bet you may wonder that if it is the case, why haven't we seen some of the same things over and over again. Well because as knowledge becomes known to us; we're able to take these ideas and actually make them into reality. People of the past may not have had the means to product an aircraft or the knowledge to build plastic. However as time is roll on, knowledge is opening more and more (see Daniel 12:4). 

You see the more time passes, "new" things will emerge; however if you search hard enough into antiquity, you'll discover that it's already thought of. There isn't anything new under the sun.