Sunday, June 23, 2013

This morning the Lord revealed to me something that I did not now the reason for and this something happened 16+ years ago... Let me set the scene up for you...

I was soul searching something fierce in my mid-twenties. I had accepted Jesus as my Savior & King, but I didn't understand what it was to be a Christian. I had a mixed up doctrine, and my line up with where I needed to be was not right. Then entered the woman who would be my wife. Through challenges that she gave me I started to understand where I needed to be. Other relationships in my life started to change and take different directions. Then the Lord asked me to do something that I was surprised at, but I obeyed...

He asked me to separate myself from a close-knit group of friends that I'd known for a long long time. We had been through a lot together, and I honestly thought we'd go through the rest of our lives together. I had planned to ask all of them to be in my wedding, to be some god-fathers for my children; they were my brothers. When the Lord came to me with request I struggled with it, but I obeyed.

My friends did not take it very well and I can understand why. Now mind you first off, all of these guys are great men. Some are married, some are fathers and some are still single. All of them ARE great men. They are kind, generous and loving. They cherish their families and their friends. However one thing I know about most of them (and I'll admit, not all of them), is they do not know the King (if one of them reads this and I'm wrong CORRECT ME{!!!} I'll be glad to admit my error). I believe that they did not know Him then, and unfortunately, I believe they do not know Him now. Does that make them bad??? OH HECK NO!!! It just makes them, not saved. I've done my best to witness to them, but I am not the harvester in their lives.

They were a big influence in my life when I was with and around them. I love them greatly, I would jump for joy if I see them in the King's Court. So here is what the Lord showed me today...

Psalm 14:1 - Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! (NLT)

My friends confessed that there was no God. And as I said earlier, they were very influential on my life. The Lord showed me today that He had to separate me from that influence so that His Spirit could solidify in my life and become the influence that had dominance. You see, I would have been the one that would not heed this verse...

Proverb 13:20 - Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. (NLT)

He knew I was going to get into trouble. I would not be where I am in Him today had I not obeyed. He showed me that I am blessed, strong in Him (which I'm getting stronger) and I'm heeding his Word; all because I obeyed Him that day 16+ years ago. 

I've reached out to these friends and thanks be to the King, I've been able to reconnect with most of them. Our relationship isn't the same as it was before, but we still stay in contact. I hope that my influence in their lives is a positive one and I hope it directs them to the Maker King so that I will get that chance to see them in His Court. 

I hope if any of them read this post, they'll have an understanding into what happened back then. Of course, even if they do read it; they may not understand. And you may not either. If you don't yourself, why not? There is a reason, and HE would love to show you why.