Saturday, January 26, 2013

To the point...

I have you notice now a days that people can't seem to get to the point??? I mean, say what you want to say. Don't play any silly games, if you don't like something, admit it. I think we've become too emotionally sensitive. I mean, I'm not a hard-donkey. Give me the right Publix commercials and I'm down for the count with tears.

Emotions can be very powerful, but if their toyed with both within ourselves and in others, they can lead to great hurts. Example, the Word says that the most powerful member of the body is our tongue. It is so powerful it can cause wars. Yet if we control our tongues & be honest, things can be a lot better. I like how some people seem to be allowed to talk, yet others are not. I don't understand that either.

AH HA! I'm rambling. Not for good reading I know, I'm sorry. I guess you can call this stream of thought. Let me see if I can put a bow on this... If you mean something say it; don't worry about my emotions, I'll build a bridge. If you have something to say, say exactly what you mean. Don't make me go through a guessing game to get your point. Let you 'No' mean no & let your 'Yes' mean yes.


Sunday, January 20, 2013


You know this is a loaded word. I mean, for kids it's a cuss word, for adults is a grudge word. For Christians it is supposed to be a way of life. I try, I really do. 

Yesterday ended a period of time of obedience for me. Until yesterday I had been separated from my wife and daughters for over a year. Now this was not a "we're having problems with our marriage" separation or I'm "an abusive father" separation; it was one of obedience.

Over two years ago, the King called for us to come to the Knoxville area. We didn't know what this entailed, but we wanted to stay in line with His direction. We made plans, and of course those plans didn't work out. So we 'flowed' with what He did in our lives. And part of that was living in two separate states.

I know a lot of my non-believing friends think we're crazy for doing something like this, but hey, you don't believe; you'll never understand. I know a lot of my believing friends thing we were crazy. Well, I don't know what to tell you people.

I believe 100% that this will come out as a HUGE positive in our lives (my wife, my children and myself).

As far as obedience... Imagine this... You're driving on a road and it is curvy. You see one of those pretty white signs with black lettering that tell you that the law says the speed on that road is 45 miles per hour. Well at that moment you have a choice: do you follow that law (in obedience) or do you ignore it and go on??? You see the King gives us a similar choice. And we are free to decide what choice we're going to make. You see... Moses put it the best way...

Deuteronomy 30 [The Message (MSG) translation]
15 Look at what I’ve done for you today: I’ve placed in front of you
    Life and Good
    Death and Evil.
19-20 I call Heaven and Earth to witness against you today: I place before you Life and Death, Blessing and Curse. Choose life so that you and your children will live. And love God, your God, listening obediently to Him, firmly embracing Him. Oh yes, He is life itself, a long life settled on the soil that God, your God, promised to give your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
 (Please note, the 'omitted' verses still play a major factor in this point I'm making. They were 'omitted' not to re-enforce or 'prove' a point, but for shear convenience. They in no way nullify the point being made here either by Moses or myself. Please read for yourself in any translation. Thank you.) 

Have a great day friends. I know I will because I now see SOME of the fruits of my obedience. :D

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hello everyone,

I have nothing profound and thought provoking for you today... Just a praise. Praise to the Creator King of whom I jester for in His court...

I'm extremely thankful today for His love, mercy and grace on my life & the lives of my family. A chapter is at the precipice of conclusion and the climb of a new one is over the edge. I'm excited beyond belief.

I feel like my journey will now actually begin, even though I have been walking on it for the past year.

Thank you Father King for everything and thank you for the transitioning to be complete.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A few weeks ago I made this post on Facebook:
     "You know I haven't posted much lately. Especially stuff that is controversial and thought provoking. However something this morning hit me... In the Bible; one of the many times that Jesus was teaching to the people He said that all of the commandments in the Bible can be summed up in two... #1 Love God with all you heart, mind and soul and #2 Love you're neighbor as you love yourself. Now mind you I know a lot of people don't believe in God (and that is fine for them, though I think their missing out on something great), however why can't everyone get the second commandment right? I mean we're all 100% proficient at loving ourselves (especially in the U.S.A.), can't we just learn from that self-love? If we were to get this right, I think it would eliminate what I would estimate to be about 85% of all of the problems that we face in the world. I know, I know some of you will say to me, "well practice what you preach." And that would be true; and trust me, God's been on me for that A LOT lately, so I'm learning. So in my final thought in this post; love someone today. Or better yet, treat them like you want them to treat you. I think you'll be shocked by the reaction. :D PEACE!!!"

I had a 'friend' of mine, who I know is an atheist, post the response, "We are human...thats why #2 isn't going to work..."

I responded to his post with, "AH! But is that an excuse to not try...???" And I did not receive a response to that question.

I mean... Just because I started off my post with a reference to the Bible & God, the rest of the post is not going to work? Reason why I ask that is because later, that same 'friend' posted a meme that basically said that we all need to respect each other. So... For the (almost) exact same thought to be provoking, I can not use God before it? I mean I understand that people don't believe in God. I accept that completely (but as I stated in the post, their missing out on something great).

Personally... (Hey it's my blog, I can be personal) I think it is hypocritical to not accept a thought because of how it was presented, then re-state the same thought and then accept it. Our nation is in a sad state; and our race (and I mean HUMAN race, regardless of color) is in a dire need of help. And if it (our race) wont accept it from God, then blast it accept if from each other. Forget about the package, accept the contents.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I know I can't believe it!!! Andrew started a blog!!!

My wife would say, "it's about time!!!"

I don't know how frequently I'll post on this thing. But I figured I'd give it a shot. I guess first I better give the reason behind the title...

A Princely Jester in the King's Court

Well I'll use some 80's lingo and "break it down!"

Princely - thanks to my Lord and Savior, I am a prince. A son of the most high God.
Jester - I am a fool to many things of life, love and God. I'm learning though.
King - there is only one King of this life we live and He is the Most High, Creator, Lord, God.
Court - the Word says that I 'sit' with my God in His court of Heaven (though I am on Earth)

During 2011 & 2012, God was revealing to me about how He is a King. People in the United States of America have no clue what it means to be under a king. I've read a number of books that opened the door to the idea. I've also studied the Bible about what God said about kings.

I envisioned a grand hall with the Lord on His throne at the end of it, and many courtiers, lords, ladies and warriors standing in His hall. I like to call Him King because it reminds me of who He is.

I hope this isn't rambling for my post, but it probably is. I'll post on political, emotional, moral and many other issues. If you like my words, great, if you don't well, great!

God bless everyone & Happy New Year to all.