Sunday, January 6, 2013

A few weeks ago I made this post on Facebook:
     "You know I haven't posted much lately. Especially stuff that is controversial and thought provoking. However something this morning hit me... In the Bible; one of the many times that Jesus was teaching to the people He said that all of the commandments in the Bible can be summed up in two... #1 Love God with all you heart, mind and soul and #2 Love you're neighbor as you love yourself. Now mind you I know a lot of people don't believe in God (and that is fine for them, though I think their missing out on something great), however why can't everyone get the second commandment right? I mean we're all 100% proficient at loving ourselves (especially in the U.S.A.), can't we just learn from that self-love? If we were to get this right, I think it would eliminate what I would estimate to be about 85% of all of the problems that we face in the world. I know, I know some of you will say to me, "well practice what you preach." And that would be true; and trust me, God's been on me for that A LOT lately, so I'm learning. So in my final thought in this post; love someone today. Or better yet, treat them like you want them to treat you. I think you'll be shocked by the reaction. :D PEACE!!!"

I had a 'friend' of mine, who I know is an atheist, post the response, "We are human...thats why #2 isn't going to work..."

I responded to his post with, "AH! But is that an excuse to not try...???" And I did not receive a response to that question.

I mean... Just because I started off my post with a reference to the Bible & God, the rest of the post is not going to work? Reason why I ask that is because later, that same 'friend' posted a meme that basically said that we all need to respect each other. So... For the (almost) exact same thought to be provoking, I can not use God before it? I mean I understand that people don't believe in God. I accept that completely (but as I stated in the post, their missing out on something great).

Personally... (Hey it's my blog, I can be personal) I think it is hypocritical to not accept a thought because of how it was presented, then re-state the same thought and then accept it. Our nation is in a sad state; and our race (and I mean HUMAN race, regardless of color) is in a dire need of help. And if it (our race) wont accept it from God, then blast it accept if from each other. Forget about the package, accept the contents.

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