Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Birthday Reflection

40 years ago today, the world got darker or lighter... Depending on which family member you talk to. :)

I would have never imagined reaching this age. When I was little I thought I would have gone out in a blaze of nuclear fire as the mad men of the world pushed the button. Or some other calamity would have come along to take my life. OR my own natural stupidity would have splattered me all over a highway or canyon floor somewhere. I know that sounds pretty miserable, but I'm telling you the truth.


And here it is. What have I seen in 40 years??? A LOT! I tell people that nothing surprises me in this world. I've seen miracles and horrors. I've seen small blessings and huge cursing. I would definitely say that I have seen a lot. I've not seen it all AND I don't know everything, but it's all good.

40 years ago in Greenwood, IN, I came into this world because... Well I don't know specifically why. I can say that I don't fully know my purpose in life, even at 40. I have one dream left in life and I am looking forward to it. I know I was at least wanted, that makes me feel warm and fuzzy.



Thank you Father for 40 years of life. I am 1/3 of the way through this life and I look forward to the next 80 years. OR until your Son comes and gets us. Both would be wonderful. I love you Lord. And thank you for all the blessings (wife, daughters, parents, in-laws, friends, acquaintances, etc...). I love you God. Thank you for letting me sit here and 'celebrate' this day.