Sunday, February 17, 2013

Non-mid life crisis...

Thanks to modern medicine, mid-life crisis is coming later in life than ever before. Plan now to take full advantage of your crisis, today... :D I know that sounds silly. But I can't help but think about it. Today is the eve of my 39th birthday. Since the last year of my 30's is on the verge of entering into history, I got to thinking about mid-life crisis.

I can understand why (guys especially) go through mid-life crisis. I mean, by the time we're 40 we're supposed to be well established in our careers, on the verge of getting one of the house's bed rooms back from a child going off to college and looking at those sleek touring motorcycles to throw the wife on the back of. Yet, why would you call those situations a crisis? I mean I would take those attributes and classify them as a well lived & planned life. And if all those years were living for God; then it they were even better.

I on the other hand am different. Being pre-39, I've recently rebooted my career, still got a few years before I kick one of the kids out of the house and couldn't even afford to look at a motorcycle, let along buy a moped. Now I have every right to be in a mid-life crisis. Yet as I sit here typing I have no feelings of animosity for not achieving all those "expected" things in life. Plus, who said I was entering mid-life anyways??? Where is that guy who came up with that? I plan on passing from this world (unless Christ comes back first) on my 120th birthday. So you do the math... 120-39=81... Well that will leave a fraction... Let's say... 120-40=80. I still have Eighty years left on this earth. I have tons of time left.

PLUS! My mid-life crisis wont start till I'm at least 60!!! YEAH! Actually I don't plan on having a crisis. You see, I'm doing my best to live for God. And when I reach my 60's I may actually be better at it. And I know that once I have that down, I'll be much happier, healthier and blessed than I can imagine now. So come on 39th birthday!!! I still have 21 years before I start freaking out. Now all I need to do is focus on these daughters of mine and make sure to have them out of the house before then (joking, well, kind'a not) so I'll have room for the motorcycle, hot tub and cinema-sound theater. :D

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